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How to quit smoking easily?
  • Level: All Levels
  • Duration: 01h 21m 06s
  • Release date: 2021-10-18
  • Author: Nelly Kaluga
  • Provider: Udemy

How to quit smoking easily?


This online course will tell you how to quit smoking effectively, without extreme efforts and self-limitations. Nowadays the majority of quit techniques are heavily dependend on willpower and self-limitations. But according to studies they do not provide long-lasting results and quitters come back to smoking within a few months. It happens because self-limitation does nothing with the very cause of your desire to smoke, meaning that the main problem stilll persists. This technique is unique since it is based on satisfaction and awareness. Here you don't have to make vows and promises or to limit youself to a certain number of daily cigarettes. In fact it's the opposite. You can smoke as much as you want but thanks to our special technique you can reduce the amount of smoked cigarettes to a bare minimum within a month. What result can you expect taking this course? In four days you will halve the amount of daily cigarettes but you are going to enjoy it more than ever before. In most cases you can quit smoking altogether in 30 days if you follow the recommendations and complete all the tasks suggested in the course. You will experience new sensations, long forgotten taste and smells, lightness of your bosy once you quit smoking for good. This online course is based on step-by-step technique. You will be offered a number of tasks which will eventually lead you to your results.