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Spiritual Awakening - Manifest your Higher Self
  • Level: All Levels
  • Duration: 59m 32s
  • Release date: 2021-11-11
  • Author: Lorena Militoiu
  • Provider: Udemy

Spiritual Awakening - Manifest your Higher Self


Hello, this is a class for everyone who wants to ascend into the 5th Dimension and manifest it's true soul power. We are healing the soul by acknowledging why we are here and how to manipulate energy in order to grow spiritually.  This has all 3 classes: Soul Healing Journey Beginner& Intermediate & Advanced, all in one at the BEST PRICE! And the way you are supposed to view the lessons is one per day. You will learn: How to be and what to use to become the better version of yourself!This is about your mission on EARTH, what's your goal, your lesson here on this planet. Then you will learn about the 12 Laws of the Universe, the law of oneness, the law of vibration, the law of correspondence, the law of attraction, the law of inspired actions, the law of perpetual transformation of energy, the law of cause and effect (karma), the law of compensation, the law of relativity, the law of polarity, the law of perpetual motion, the law of giving and receiving.After that you will learn about the quantum field, unhealed emotions and the organs that might be affected by them and also how the food you eat is influencing your health.Yoga, why you need to practice and how to do it.Music frequencies and how to use them.The power of water and how to charge it.Basic crystals and how to clean and charge them.The seven main Chakras - Mudras, Mantras and colors. How to breathe! We are talking mind, body and soul.I know you already know how to breath but let’s practice stomach breathing!Part of the beginner class:Count to 5 while inhaling air and expanding your stomach and then exhale while counting backwards and vacuuming your stomach.If you can’t count to 5 you can try counting to 3, and add a number every day.It will help with your meditating sessions by relaxing your mind and body.Energy is everywhere and we are also pure energy. From the minute that we are born we learn how to manipulate energy even if we don't do it consciously and all that is around us is energy.But energy has also a frequency and we can use these frequencies to make our life better!Be aware of what you are feeling! Always notice what makes you feel bad and try to acknowledge why are you feeling the way you do and if it's ok for you to feel that way.Consume every emotion that is not right for you! Try Emotionally Freedom Therapy or Emotional Freedom Technique it will work for everybody!Learn how to anchor yourself to a happy moment using a gesture or an object.Learn how to consume all bad emotions, even if they are old or new.