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The Zen of Bitcoin
  • Level: Beginner
  • Duration: 01h 55m 53s
  • Release date: 2021-11-02
  • Author: Daniel Kean-Cockburn
  • Provider: Udemy

The Zen of Bitcoin


===Our Invitation=== Would you like to go on a journey to explore the world of Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency. Have you wondered about it in the past but not known enough about it to feel confident to get started? In this course The Zen of Bitcoin Dan will skillfully introduce you to main principals and mechanics of how Bitcoin works. What is it? How does it work? How to succeed while avoiding the pitfalls... these will all be explored in this new course. ===What to Expect=== A concise and well crafted introductory course that will give you the confidence to explore the world of cryptocurrency. ===What's Included===- What is Bitcoin and why it represent hope  - How to get started and develop a strategy- The history of money and what makes Bitcoin unique - Answers to the common questions people have about Bitcoin- A meditation yo help you reflect on how you reflect to money, investments and risk ===About the Facilitator==Dan Kean Cockburn I have been a practicing Celtic Polytheist Pagan for over 25 years and have studied many spiritual practices. I have also branched out into blockchain development to explore abundance. I have been exploring and connecting various Polytheistic traditions and teaming up with many other serious practitioners. I have taken on many challenges in relation to my spiritual path including winning a world silver medal in martial arts in 2012 in Los Angeles USA. I have also branched out into blockchain development in the pursuit of abundance and financial freedom.